Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Audience Survey

Using survey monkey i decided to create a survey to ask my target audience of young people what exactly they would like to see in a music magazine. I decided to create 10 questions that would best summarise my magazine.Also i thought it would be the best to just use 10 questions otherwise the participants would easily get bored and not fully completed it.
I wanted to use basic questions such as "How often do you read magazines" & "what is your favourite type of music?" to get a general feel of my target audience views. This would make sure that i am aiming my magazine at the right people. Also then using more detailed questions such as "Which social networking website do you use most often?" & "what is the maximum you would pay for a magazine?". To be able to recieves put these key concepts into my magazine to make it as successful as possible.
All question used were given multiple choice answers so the participants
On the other hand, on question eight "What would encourage you to purchase a magazine" ,i decided to use four multiple choice answers and in addition include an opitions of "other" so they could have an chance to include anything they wanted to. This would give me alot of variety of ideas to include and if repeatly mention that i would be encouraged to involve it in my magazine.
Also i gave the option to pick more than one answers for the all the questions as this would let participants not have to decide on just one response.
To make as many people answer my magazine i decided to use social network sites so that it could get out to as many people as possible. As Twitter and Facebook are the most popular now a days, i decided to post on both "Anyone want to fill out my media studies survery;" to result in as many people as possible taking part to give me the most valid and reliable data.

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